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Fintech for All, Fintech for Good

The growth of the fintech phenomenon does not only disrupt the financial sector, but it also provides opportunities for society as a whole.

In recent yearsFintech for Good (F4G) has emerged as a new movement, embedding social and environmental inclusion into fintech organizations and services design, development, and implementation to accelerate sustainable development.

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“Fintech for All, Fintech for Good” research – realized in collaboration with Deloitte, Politecnico di Milano and Fintech Stage - highlights the intersection of fintech and sustainability, analyzing a database of 485 "Fintech for Good" (F4G) companies to understand how they create value by incorporating social and environmental impact into their business model. 

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What you can further explore in this Report: 

  • An overview of the Fintech for Good (F4G) phenomenon 
  • F4G main areas, geographies, and business sectors of operation  
  • In-depth analysis of the value co-created by fintechs and incumbents  
  • Use cases of commercial or strategic partnerships 

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