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Fintech Waves 2023

“FinTech is designing a new and easier way of dealing with customers' financial needs but today, more than ever, companies need strategic partners to scale their business both in terms of investments and international growth”.

Clelia Tosi, Head of Fintech District

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In 2020, our FinTech Waves first edition on the Italian FinTech ecosystem laid the foundation to unveil the potential of innovative financial services providers and the momentum they were gaining in the global and national markets.  

The massive changes that occurred during the last two years in society, public health, and the economic landscape require a renovated analysis to deeply understand the implications of such events and the upcoming opportunities unraveling in front of us. 

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What you can further explore in this Whitepaper: 

  • an overview of the new global and European financial trends 
  • the effects of the current geopolitical and economic context 
  • the growth of the Italian FinTech Community with an updated taxonomy of players involved

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